Thursday, 1 April 2010

Why are husbands so difficult? part 2 of you can't imagine how many more...

What's your take on husbands who want to play Dr. Sears? Seriously, It would be funny if it weren't so annoying. Take this for example; my husband has gotten the notion that he must care for my health. Not a bad notion of course, but when it becomes an obsession it loses all its charm. So now he's telling me I should eat this and not eat that because my health is at stake (anyone would think I'm in my deathbed). I do admit I love food; I can't deny that. And maybe I should eat more veggies and fruit,but I drink water I don't drink Coca Cola like I'm dehydrating in the desert on a mission. You know what my husband's favorite snack is?...bread dipped into a glass of Coke with an iceberg in it. He can drink an average of 12 liters of coke and a whole bag of bread in one weekend... and I'm the one who should mind her diet??
Don't get me wrong, I adore my husband but we just don't agree on many things and this is one of them.

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